Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Documentaries You Must See

How important is it you see these documentaries? It is not an exaggeration to say your life may depend on it.

Is your life really at risk? The answer is surprisingly easy to understand after watching these documentaries. Consider the young man in “Why We Fight” who joins the marines. He has certainly put his life in harms way. Others may die as a direct result of his actions. If he were better informed maybe he would have made a different decision.

There are many risks we all must face, and many of these risks are as man-made as war. The first step in protecting one’s self is in understanding. Much of the nasty things that happen in this world, like say Global Warming, wouldn’t be allowed to happen if people were better informed.

Money As Debt

All money in this world is created as debt, with interest attached. The system was created hundreds of years ago to serve the elite. Why did governments give the right to create money away to private banks?

The Story of Stuff

The problem of a consumption based economy.

The End of the Line

Overfishing has been going on for decades. But not for much longer. Either it will stop voluntarily or it will stop when there is nothing left.

Zeitgeist - Addendum

Explains how the foundation of our entire economic system is breaking down and must eventually be recreated because it cannot go on forever as it is. The Federal Reserve system is a fraud that must be dismantled.

The 11th Hour

The majority of biologist have some doubt as to if humanity will be around in another 100 years.

The Corporation

This documentary looks at the most powerful entity of our time: the corporation. Corporations affect every aspect of our lives, often in negative ways.

Manufacturing Consent

Based on the book by Noam Chomsky. In Manufacturing Consent Chomsky shows how the media has more than failed to keep the public informed. The corporate controlled media has not only distracted the public with meaningless stories (e.g. Paris Hilton and O.J. Simpson), the media has actively misinformed the public. Here is just one of many examples.

Why We Fight

Why We Fight examines why the United States fights so many wars. It has nothing to do with freedom, “war is a racket“.


This may the most shocking documentary you will ever see. Religion, war and money.

The Panama Deception

A detailed example of how the United States uses propaganda to further the causes of the murderous corporate machine, and how the corporate media plays along.

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Took Control of America

Don’t believe it? This 3 hour history lesson will be a shock to your system. Not only did international bankers take control of America, they encouraged and financed most wars of the last 200 years causing tens of millions of deaths.


The profit-driven system of corporations in the health sector is examined in the documentary Sicko. Greed is literally killing people.

The Power of Nightmares

From the BBC, discusses how politicians use terrorism and fear as a way to control populations. With much help from the media, the terrorism threat has been greatly exaggerated.

Without Conscience - the Book

People are generally good - generally. But approximately 1 person in 100 does not have a conscience. Someone like Dick Cheney knows to say that he cares about the troops, but he does not even know how to care or what it even really means. There are people in this world who will do anything to rise up in the ranks of power. To understand that some people are simply dangerous and that they should never be trusted read “Without Conscience” by Robert Hare.

Another List

Here is another list of documentaries, which includes the ones above and a few more.