Thursday, May 07, 2015

Nationalism IS Propaganda

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Oh, Canada, blah blah blah blah blah blah...

I was born in Canada, not a bad place, I definitely picked the right country to be born in, damn I'm smart. I'm a proud Canadian.

What a bunch of bullshit. One person is not more important than another person because of where they were born.

When your political leader, excuse me, your "elected representative", gets up on some podium  and feeds you some line about how "great" your country is, know that you are being feed a bunch of propaganda. These people don't give a shit about you or your country. They are parasites working hard to keep the masses ignorant and placated.

The hidden messages to you behind their "isn't our country great" talk:
  • I'm (referring to themselves) doing a great job
  • No need for you to pay attention to what is going on
  • Things are fine, no need to look for areas of improvement
  • Don't do anything
  • Don't say anything
What would happen if people in power would just stop lying and tell the truth? First people probably wouldn't believe them, there isn't much people hate more than the truth. But eventually, after some time of hearing the truth, maybe people would say "Hey, let's take the steps needed to make things better. We can solve these problems."