Monday, December 07, 2009

Global Warming and The United States of Hypocrisy

Conservative congressman, senators and individuals are saying "We are not going to cut our CO2 emissions unless everybody else does too".

The hypocrisy of such statements is absolutely unbelievable.  Americans are famous for their lack of knowledge of history and this is no exception. China may today emit more CO2 than the US but a very large percentage of the CO2 already in the atmosphere came from the United States in the first place. Global Warming would not exist if it were not the United States and their overconsumption of resources, especially their overconsumption of oil. America caused the problem but like a spoiled rotten little brat they are too selfish and immature to take the blame.

If other countries in the world had any balls at all they should form an economic boycott of the United States until the US accepts their responsibility to cleanup the mess they have created.