"Occupy Wall Street" is a movement to bring democracy to America. No, not that fake democracy where politicians pay lip service to voters then meet behind closed doors with corporate leaders to decide how to run things. The movement's goals are to bring real democracy to the US, where government acts in the best interests of the people.
Keith Olbermann reads a statement from the Occupy Wall Street movement (click here). It is worth watching twice, and needs to be seen by as many people as possible.
The movement is spreading (including Canada!). Photo's from the movement here.
Lots of related video's on youtube, including this guy (who is well informed).
So, what does Occupy Wall Street have to do with you?
Debt, environmental degradation, pollution, injustice, inflation, war, poverty: all unnecessary, all the direct result of greed and corruption. Is that really the world you want to live in? The movement is fighting for everyone's quality of life, including yours.
Help spread their message and get involved!