This free-online course will help you understand that you are being lied to. You will learn that war, poverty, injustice, inflation and environmental degradation are all OPTIONAL. The terrible cost to you and to humanity of all of the lying that goes on in this world is beyond measure. This course will take approximately 32 hours to complete. When (and if) enough people understand the truth, and they take action, the world will become a better place.
You are encouraged to question “the facts” and do your own research. Don’t expect any book or documentary to be perfect. To obtain a depth of understanding it is essential to follow through with each lesson and not take shortcuts: the devil is in the details.
For some reading material and documentaries visit your local library. Also try services such as Netflix, Amazon.com (used books), and other services (online and off) to obtain the material. After Lesson 1 the other lessons can generally be done in any order.
Lesson 1: Evil in our World (approx. 6 hours)
A person can’t understand our world without understanding that there are people out there who simply do not have a conscience to guide them. They are called psychopaths (and sociopaths) and they do not all become serial killers: many become politicians, CEOs, petty criminals, lobbyists, etc. They make up approximately 1% of the population and they (with the support of their naive and ignorant followers) are the primary cause of most of the suffering in this world. Read Without Conscience by Robert Hare.
Lesson 2: Propaganda and the Media (approx. 8 hours)
Read Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky (or watch the documentary, but the book is better). Note: some people don’t agree with or like Chomsky. As an intelligent person you try to understand another person's point of view; agreeing or disagreeing is irrelevant if you do not (at least) understand their point; and liking them or not is completely irrelevant.
Lesson 3: A Quick History of Banking, Money, Debt and the Environment (1 hour)
Watch "Money As Debt” on YouTube at youtu.be/e6LWqgohO4E.
Lesson 4: A Longer History of Banking (4 hours)
We take banking for granted since it has been around for so long and the people behind the counter seem so nice; it is time to re-evaluate the industry. Watch “The Money Masters” at: topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-money-masters.
Lesson 5: The Corporation (approx. 2 hours)
This is not a joke: the US Supreme Court ruled a corporation is a person with all the legal rights of a person. [The court also ruled money is speech, which shows how illogical their thinking can be.] Watch The Corporation. See thecorporation.com for film information. For extra credit visit www.citizensunited.org.
Lesson 6: The Story of Stuff (20 minutes)
Watch at www.storyofstuff.org/movies-all/story-of-stuff/
Lesson 7: Religion, War and 9/11 (approx. 4 hours)
Watch Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum. See www.thezeitgeistmovement.com for film information; watch online at topdocumentaryfilms.com/zeitgeist-the-movie/ and at http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/zeitgeist-addendum/.
Lesson 8: Moving Forward (approx. 2 hours)
Watch Zeitgeist – Moving Forward. See www.thezeitgeistmovement.com for film information; watch online here topdocumentaryfilms.com/zeitgeist-moving-forward/.
Lesson 9: War is a Racket (approx. 3 hours)
Download and read War is a Racket by (Congressional Medal of Honour Recipient) Major General Smedley D. Butler from here http://archive.org/details/WarIsARacket. Note: the copyright on this book has expired.
Lesson 10: Why We Fight (2 hours)
The warning at the beginning of the documentary from President Eisenhower (also a 5-star General) will send a chill down your spine. No longer at http://freedocumentaries.org, try your local video store library, or maybe Netflix.
Additional Credit
Setup an account at www.reddit.com, learn how to use it and try to visit daily for a full year. The recommended subreddits are “news” and “world news”. Select top stories for the week as your primary entry point to Reddit. Over time you will notice the difference between the stories on Reddit and the corporate controlled news (aka the main stream media) to be significant.
Watch The Panama Deception here: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-panama-deception. It is a good example showing America abusing it’s military power and the media abusing it’s responsibility to keep people informed.
Watch Banking with Hitler at http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/banking-with-hitler/ and see how the banks really operate.
Read the philosophy behind The People’s Book Project at http://thepeoplesbookproject.com/project-philosophy/.
Random References
The International Monetary Fund has proposed a return to a non-privately controlled monetary system, referred to in this article in the Telegraph. The paper itself is available at the IMF website here.
Putting It All Together
This section is to be completed soon. Please feel free to get started on the lessons and hopefully I will get this section completed before you finish the lessons; I expect to have it done later this year.