- What's with all the grey? Grey, like concrete, is ugly. Some color please. General comment: the UI looks like something from the 80's, very stale and drab.
- Command-tab can't be used to select applications that have been minimized. So what is the point of having Cmd-tab then? So I never ever ever minimize an application. Always use Cmd-hide. Apple: Cmd-tab should even restore minimized applications.
- Speaking of Cmd-hide - sometimes it doesn't work, like say for the Finder and that sucks. Also sometimes when I hide everything (or I'm forced to minimize applications that will not hide) previously hidden/minimized applications pop-up by themselves. Do not do that. If I wanted an application on screen I'd put the application on screen.
- Regarding the "Dock" at the bottom of the screen. I have it hidden because it wastes valuable space otherwise. But when I do need it it takes too long to appear - I need it to appear immediately, not after some delay or some time wasting animation. Yes it is possible to speed up the animation, but when I say immediately I don't mean sooner, I mean right f'ng now.
- Switching an application to full-screen (and back again) uses hideously ugly and slow animation, so ugly and so slow I never use full-screen even though I wish I could. Apple, you are mistaken if you think I'm impressed by childish animations that do nothing but interfere with my productivity.
- Speaking of the useless ugly mouse cursor, why the hell can't I easily choose a custom mouse cursor? WTF? Windows users have been able to do this for decades. I have a large monitor, and most of the apps are showing black text on a white background. And the cursor is also black and white...
- Apple puts Intel in their boxes. No person who builds PC's for a living buys Intel for themselves, they all know AMD is gives you more processing power for your buck.
- For this one see the image below. The 'Finder' menu shown is unrelated to the visible window.
Over all not very impressed by Apple, but I do not watch TV commercials so I haven't been brainwashed like everyone else. The truth is, Apple computers are no better than Windows computers, Apple just has better marketing. Oh, and Windows users have access to 1000x more free software than Apple computer users do.
p.s. Regarding iOS
The design decision to not show scrollbars on scrollable fields until the user touches the field is what I call design failure. The correct design: if the field is scrollable just show the bloody scrollbar.