Saturday, June 08, 2024

HardMail AI - The AI Powered Email Client


Revolutionize Your Inbox

Are you tired of drowning in a sea of emails, wasting precious time reading through lengthy messages to get to the point? HardMail AI is here to change that all that.


Introducing HardMail AI

HardMail AI is an innovative email client that uses artificial intelligence to summarize your emails, saving up to 80% of the time you spend reading your email. AI technology condenses the main points of an email into a concise summary, allowing you to quickly understand the content without having to read through the entire message.


Maximize Your Productivity


  • Get straight to the point of an email without wading through unnecessary details
  • Identify important and action items at a glance
  • Stay on top of your tasks and responsibilities with ease


Try HardMail AI Today

Experience the power of AI-driven email management for yourself. Download HardMail AI now and discover a smarter way to manage your emails.


Visit OrangeSoftware.Net to learn more about and download HardMail AI


Saturday, March 11, 2017

My other website:

Had some free time so I build a new website with the help of a friend:

In short it is used to keep track of the location of anything with an Android phone. There are basically two types of users: regular people and small companies with fleets of vehicles.

Regular People
Say you would like to know when you son borrows your car that he only drives it to work in back. Or what if your parents are going on a driving vacation. With you can follow their progress from the convenience of your computer.

Most fleet management systems are expense and complicated. Not - it is simple and inexpensive. Keep track of personnel and or vehicles without having to call or text them to ask where they are. A quick look at our website and you can see if they are on their way, on site or on their way back.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to turn off Gawd Damn vibrate-on-touch in Android 5.0

Got a new Android phone a while back. It blew my mind that by default it vibrated on every keyboard input, every back button, every time I looked at it. How absurd, why would anyone want that at all, let alone make it the default.

Sometime later my phone started generating a message about gapps crashing or something. Great. Only fix was to reset the phone. Then it started vibrating all the time again! Ahhhhhh, turn it off! But now I could not find where the hell the setting was, it is based on user input, so checked anything to do with input and plenty of other places, but it was no where to be found. Finally gave up and had my wife look for it. She found it under:

Settings -> Sound & notification -> Other sounds -> Vibrate on touch

Other sounds, really? Anyway, thank gawd, turn that stupid shit off.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Nationalism IS Propaganda

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Oh, Canada, blah blah blah blah blah blah...

I was born in Canada, not a bad place, I definitely picked the right country to be born in, damn I'm smart. I'm a proud Canadian.

What a bunch of bullshit. One person is not more important than another person because of where they were born.

When your political leader, excuse me, your "elected representative", gets up on some podium  and feeds you some line about how "great" your country is, know that you are being feed a bunch of propaganda. These people don't give a shit about you or your country. They are parasites working hard to keep the masses ignorant and placated.

The hidden messages to you behind their "isn't our country great" talk:
  • I'm (referring to themselves) doing a great job
  • No need for you to pay attention to what is going on
  • Things are fine, no need to look for areas of improvement
  • Don't do anything
  • Don't say anything
What would happen if people in power would just stop lying and tell the truth? First people probably wouldn't believe them, there isn't much people hate more than the truth. But eventually, after some time of hearing the truth, maybe people would say "Hey, let's take the steps needed to make things better. We can solve these problems."

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My Homemade Bailey's Recipe

After reading the ingredients on the back of a Bailey's Irish Creme, and noting the lack of Irish whiskey, decided to make my own. I haven't been able to reproduce the flavor of Artificial Flavor, but it's pretty good! In fact, I think it is better than Bailey's.
  • 10 oz. Jamison's Irish whiskey
  • 8 oz sweetened condensed milk
  • 3 tsp instant coffee (Starbucks is best)
  • 2 tsp almond extract 
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 cup cream

Otherwise mix all the ingredients in a blender and store in the fridge.

Hopefully you got my Artificial Flavor joke. I can't reproduce artificial flavor: I'm not a chemist!

Update: got some Bailey's for Christmas and decided the missing 'flavor' from my Irish Creme is 'butter' flavor, but since mine is better I am not going to try to reproduce the butter flavor.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Using Vi (XVim) in XCode 5 & 6

XVim is great for us Vi users that also use XCode, but the installation instructions on GitHub are (as of the time of writing) useless.

Here is the best way to install XVim, as email to me from the author himself:
  • Install git if you haven't already
  • Clone XVim: git clone
  • Go to the dir: cd XVim
  • Change to develop branch: git checkout develop
  • Open the project file XVim.xcodeproj
  • Build
  • Restart XCode (make sure the XCode process is completely restarted)
Finally, there seems to be some misconceptions out there about Vi: it's just a text editor. It is not an IDE.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Where is the class action lawsuit against Comcast?

Imagine you go to the grocery store, choose one apple (which is priced at 50 cents) and go to the checkout with this one item. The clerk then charges you 75 cents. "Why are you charging me 75 cents?" you ask. "50 cents for the apple, plus 25 cents to eat it" responds the clerk.

Customers paid Comcast for Internet service. When those same customers tried to access NetFlix Comcast throttled the service, rendering the service quality unacceptable. Comcast didn't block NetFlix: Comcast blocked their own customers, failing to provide the very service they had already been paid for.

Later Comcast blackmailed Netflix into paying for the same bandwidth, the bandwidth that Comcast's customers had already paid for.

It is complete bullshit and should be illegal. At a minimum Comcast should be sued in a class action lawsuit.

Monday, August 18, 2014

ps/2 Keyboard on a Mac Mini

Yes, my (awesome) Chicony natural keyboard (with ps/2 cable) does work with my Mac Mini.

The trick when first plugging in the keyboard with the ps/2 to USB adapter: when OS.x asks
   "what key is immediately to the right of the left shift key"?
the answer is to lie and say it is the Cmd (Windows) key.

In reality the Z key is to the right of the shift key, but that answer will result in the keyboard not being recognized. Pretend it is the Cmd key.

Also, when the shit hits the fan (such as the mouse and/or keyboard start acting wacky) unplug  the keyboard and plug it in again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robot Watch

The world is becoming more and more automated - with fewer and fewer good-paying jobs. The trend is likely to continue.

Economists tell us that while technology displaces jobs, it also creates jobs, right? Economists also tell us people are rational, LOL. If you want to understand the real world, the first thing to do is ignore economists, or use them as a negative-indicator.

The pace of displacement has been (and is) accelerating to the point where job creation is not keeping up with job destruction.

And the compensation of the created jobs has been much less than the compensation of the displaced jobs. Goodbye manufacturing job that used to pay a decent living, hello minimum wage job at Wal-Mart.