If you look around the world you can see your legacy: pollution, overconsumption, overpopulation, greed, war, biodiversity collapse, religion, global warming, dumping your garbage in the oceans, the list goes on an on. As managers of the planet you should be ashamed of what you have achieved. Future generations, if there are any, will look back at your generations and curse your ignorance, your short-sightedness and your selfishness. Sure some of you are wonderful, knowledgeable people. But that is a tiny minority.
It isn't entirely your fault, selfishness is a built-in human trait. And the mass media, such as Fox News, has done an amazing job of keeping you ignorant while at the same time making you think you are smart (you aren't). But with the emergence of independent media (e.g. TheRealNews.com) you don't have any excuses anymore. Either stop voting or take the time to really understand the issues.
Please. Because currently you do more harm than good.
See also, a message for you Baby Boomers: The Shallowest Generation